Recorder Karate Idea Bank

Fluffy/Soft/Velvet Yarn Belts

Submitted by Kerryn Oliver, Alden, Iowa

Idea posted 2002-04-05

I use yarns - they look really pretty knotted around the bell of the recorders! Some of the yarn is fuzzy, some is very soft; the red and black belts are velvet. I just put a knot in the end to keep them from unraveling. Found them at Wal-Mart, but I didn't just buy the plain stuff... these are Homespun and Chenille yarns... they were more expensive than regular yarn, but they will last for years and years and years and years... Some of the kids braided theirs, others layer them, some kids keep only the current belt on the recorder and keep the others in their books or at home. So far, the kids really like 'em!

Currently, nearly half the class has earned their black belt! We are doing a performance for the second and third graders in the next couple of weeks to show them what they can look forward to next year! The fourth grade teacher told me she has never seen the kids so fired up about recorders - they take them out to recess to practice! Thanks for this terrific idea!

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