Recorder Karate Idea Bank

Storing Recorders In Plastic Bags

Submitted by Ellie Wong, Irvine, California

Idea posted 2002-11-15

Question: I'm new at this... how do we keep this sanitary? Please advise... it's probably painfully simple!

Answer: Kids brought in their ziplock plastic bags with their name on them. The recorder is placed in the bag with enough room to keep music in the same bag, as well. (Another teacher likes to use long wine bottle narrow bags that cover the recorder completely. You write their names on the paper bag.)

It is a common way to keep school recorders. Lots of kids bought their own recorders or had several; one for home and - this is the truth - one kid kept several in his school plastic bag in different colors to match his mood.

One thing I liked about passing out the recorder bags to the kids is I would tell them they will be getting a bag that is not theirs. They were to look at the name on the bag and quietly give it to the correct person. This procedure worked so much faster than if I called out the names.

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